Home Office : how to install an office at home?

Teleworking, home office, personal administration, … Whether you work at home every day or sporadically, you always need desk furniture, office equipment and specific equipment to create a fully-fledged workplace.Home Office : how to install an office at home?

Look for the perfect spot for your office at home

The children's playroom is not an option! The kitchen is chaos! You are guaranteed to be distracted in the living room! A bedroom, why not? To be able to work in the best conditions at home, ideally install yourself in a room with sufficient natural lighting and good ventilation.

And if you don't have a separate space, we offer you the perfect solution in the form of Japanese panels, plants or removable dividing walls, which you can use for separating rooms.

Remark: never install your desk at the window with the back of the computer directed to the window. The sun rays will make your sceen unreadable.

Choose your home office desk

The installation of a desk at home should meet the same requirements as in an office, but of course the limitations of the available space must be taken into account.
In a separate room:
A 100% professional office is synonymous with saving space and time, and we love that! With drawers, bookshelves or integrated storage systems, the all-in-1 desks ensure that your worktop is not cluttered and that you have enough free space to work efficiently and creatively! And it is also extremely easy: no complex installations. You just install your computer, computer mouse and keyboard, and you are ready. Attention, also leave a little space to sign your quotes or write your thank you note for your customers.

For small spaces;
If you live in an apartment where the number of available square meters is scarce, an information post is undoubtedly the best solution. Compact, but practical. You can install a computer, a screen, a keyboard, a computer mouse and a printer on it.

Check the home office desks and information posts

Choose the ideal office chair for telework

Rule 1 : don't be tempted by deco magazines. A designer chair is often not designed to sit on it for 8 hours. To save your back, it is better to opt for a real swivel desk chair with wheels.

Rule 2 : first evaluate your needs before choosing a specific model without thinking. Depending on an intensive (more than 7 hours a day), daily (less than 7 hours a day) or sporadic (about 4 hours a day) use, you will not choose the same model.

Rule 3 : spare your back and stay active with an ergonomic chair. You can choose between a synchronous mechanism, a permanent contact, a central tilting system or an eccentric shaft. A truly professional office chair will always follow your movements smoothly, leaving you perfectly mobile… essential to combat fatigue of the skeletal muscle mass.

In order to know more about our office chairs, please consult our buyer's guide for chairs .

Check all office chairs

Provide the correct lighting in your home office

Unfortunately, too often, lighting is not considered when furnishing a desk. However, it plays an important role for more well-being and to combat fatigue. It has already been mentioned here: ideally, your desk should enjoy natural lighting. After all, nothing is more relaxing than looking out the window and briefly dreaming away to a distant destination :-)

But that's not enough. When the sun begins to set or when a thunderstorm is on the way, the lighting needs to be adjusted immediately so that we remain alert.
The office lamp, with an articulated arm, can illuminate a specific area, and some ergonomic models even provide several levels of light intensity to be able to adapt to different needs, great isn't it? And the floor lamp, meanwhile, brings diffused light to the whole room. One does not go without the other; it's like Hansel and Gretel, Laurel and Hardy, Mickey and Minnie… well, you get it!

Check the lighting
Find good lighting for your home office

Decorate your professional space at home

Just because a room is dedicated to professional use doesn't mean it has to look stern and soulless. It is therefore up to you to personalize the environment and create a lively and charming atmosphere. Don't have any inspiration? Let us help you.

On the wall: choose for colours that are not too bright or gloomy. You best opt for neutral or pastel colours. On the desk: a photo frame with your loved ones and a personalized cup, to relax in stressy situations. On an office rack or bookcase: two or three trendy gadgets and some flowers. On the chair: yourself, with good humour and full of ambitious ideas!
Check the stores and decoration
We hope that this information and ideas will help you to furnish your desk in a pleasant and practical way, so that you can work in comfort from your « home, sweet home… office ».