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Tarifold, wall mounted document holder, 10 pockets
Pack of 10 sheet protectors Viquel colorless translucent polypropylene A4
Show album Maxi Géode 40 sleeves black
Tarifold, desktop document holder, 10 pockets+ holder
Personalizable document holder Viquel Géode opaque polypropylene A4 30 sleeves colour
Interchangeable show album - 30 assorted translucid sleeves
Tarifold, desktop document holder, 40 pockets+holder
Interchangeable show album 30 translucid sleeves - transparant cover
Pack 10 replacement sleeves in PVC for show album of Tarifold
Pack of 10 removable sleeves Géode Viquel A4 smooth polypropylene 7/100e
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