Lever arch files (11 articles)

Plastic lever arch files 7,2 cm Bruneau

Plastic lever arch files 7,2 cm Bruneau

Cardboard lever arch file Bruneau A4 - 5 cm spine

Cardboard lever arch file Bruneau A4 - 5 cm spine

Set 7 lever arch files Bruneau back 7,2 cm assorted colours + 3 for free

Set 7 lever arch files Bruneau back 7,2 cm assorted colours + 3 for free

Plastic lever arch file Exacompta Prem Touch A4+ back 8 cm colour

Plastic lever arch file Exacompta Prem Touch A4+ back 8 cm colour

Lever arch files classic, assorted colours 7.2 cm

Lever arch files classic, assorted colours 7.2 cm

Lever arch file plastic Leitz Active 180° Wow back 7,5 cm colour

Lever arch file plastic Leitz Active 180° Wow back 7,5 cm colour

Cardboard lever arch file Bruneau A4 - 7.2 cm spine assorted fashion colors

Cardboard lever arch file Bruneau A4 - 7.2 cm spine assorted fashion colors

Plastic lever arch file Exacompta Prem Touch A4+ back 8 cm assorted colours

Plastic lever arch file Exacompta Prem Touch A4+ back 8 cm assorted colours

Customizable organizer Exacompta with lever back 7cm

Customizable organizer Exacompta with lever back 7cm

Lever arch files in assorted colours A4 8 cm Elba

Lever arch files in assorted colours A4 8 cm Elba

Classeur à levier cartonné double mécanisme Arianex A4 maxi - Dos 9 cm couleur

Classeur à levier cartonné double mécanisme Arianex A4 maxi - Dos 9 cm couleur

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You are now visiting the page Lever arch files .
In order to expand your search, we invite you to visit also, the following assortments : In plastic, Plasticized cardboard or Specific sizes.
The customers who have consulted this page, have also visited these assortments:Ordners containing Ordners with rings, Labels for ordners or Platsic Lever arch files .