Stapling (10 articles)

Staple pincer Leitz 5548 grey/blue for staples 24/6 or 26/6 capacity 30 sheets

Staple pincer Leitz 5548 grey/blue for staples 24/6 or 26/6 capacity 30 sheets

Stapler ECO Beluga Rapesco - staples 24/6 or 26/6 - capacity 20 sheets

Stapler ECO Beluga Rapesco - staples 24/6 or 26/6 - capacity 20 sheets



Stapler Rapesco Luna ECO Germ - capacity 50 sheets

Stapler Rapesco Luna ECO Germ - capacity 50 sheets

Stapler ECO Rapesco staples 24/6 and 26/6 capacity 20 sheets

Stapler ECO Rapesco staples 24/6 and 26/6 capacity 20 sheets

Gb_rap pince agrafeus ecolo n 24/6 24812500

Gb_rap pince agrafeus ecolo n 24/6 24812500

Stapler ECO small model Rapesco - staples 24/6 and 26/6 - capacity 20 sheets

Stapler ECO small model Rapesco - staples 24/6 and 26/6 - capacity 20 sheets

Staple pincer Leitz 5545 staples n°10 capacity 15 sheets

Staple pincer Leitz 5545 staples n°10 capacity 15 sheets

Stapler high capacity HD210

Stapler high capacity HD210

Stapler Rapesco Sting Ray ECO Germ - capacity 20 sheets

Stapler Rapesco Sting Ray ECO Germ - capacity 20 sheets

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